Services will continue online.
Service update:
We are in the midst of a tremendous trial both, as a nation and world as we seek answers for Coronavirus. We are continually praying for a quick, lasting resolution to the pandemic. While we continue to have great faith in God, we also must use our God-given wisdom during these times.
We will be doing Virtual Church Services for the following dates:
Online Service Schedule
Sunday, Aug. 22nd: English Online Services at 10am.
Wednesday, Aug. 25th: English Midweek Online Prayer Service at 7:30 pm.
Tune in by clicking the “EVPC Live” button below, visiting the EVPC app, or our Facebook page at East Valley Pentecostal Church linked below.
WE WILL BE RETURNING TO IN-PERSON SERVICE FRIDAY, AUG. 27TH @7:30pm for the Ladies Conference. For more info click the link below.