Good Friday Outreach event


be apart of the

call Team!

As Easter quickly approaches, we would like to ensure that we do as instructed of us in the Word of God, and that is to spread the “Good News”.

This year we have major plans to do just that! One of those plans include an ALL Church Member outreach event, that will take place here at the church on Good Friday, April 2nd. Starting at 11am for the morning session and 6pm for the evening session.

As we have many individuals coming in and out of our services weekly, we would like to take this opportunity for the members of the church body to connect with some of those who may have disconnected these past few months and give them a personal invite to Easter Sunday Service.

How do we plan to do this? We plan to do this by simply giving them a call. We currently have in the area 1,300 profiles in our church database and we want to do our best to make sure each one of them know we are gearing up to CELEBRATE THE RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!


How can you help?

This is the part where we’d like to encourage the whole church to be apart of this event. A 1,300 person call list is a very daunting task for anyone man or woman to accomplish.

With that said, we have put together a plan that would help cater to your schedule and still help in the effort of connecting with every single account.

We understand that not everyone’s schedule will perfectly line up with just one slot in the day, so we put together 2 different times where you can come on by to the church, get properly briefed on how to make these calls, and call as many as you possibly can.

For those who may be retired or may have the day off in celebration of Good Friday, we will be starting the first session @11am here at EVPC.

For those who may not be free in the morning time, no worries! We will be starting the second session @6pm here at EVPC.

How to sign up?

That part is easy! Just simply fill out the form below, select what time slot you will be attending, and submit the form. Once we receive it, we will be in contact and ready to get our Easter Weekend outreach festivities started!